Monday, November 16, 2009

Butterflies and Hummingbirds

I was sitting in my garden when a hummingbird flew up to me- a shimmering green apparition, pulsating with life. He hovered in place for a few seconds, seemed to consider me, and was gone just as quickly as he came. I realized he must have been attracted to the red fabric of my shirt. I felt honored to be mistaken as a flower, however briefly, by such a beautiful creature.

My guitar teacher Jim was into handwriting analysis. Once I had him look at my handwriting, and the first thing he asked me was "Do you like butterflies and hummingbirds?" I was surprised by the question because it seemed so random, but also accurate. I've always been fascinated by butterflies and hummingbirds. Jim told me to be careful of people who go from person to person, like a hummingbird, never staying too long at any one flower. I told him I would be careful; But still, I'd be honored if somebody beautiful mistook me for a flower.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Everyday Opiates

This blog is for all the stuff I wrote when I was younger that didn't fit anywhere else. I think I wrote this one when I was about 17:

Music is a drug, television is a drug, so is reading. They offer an escape, an altered state of conciousness. Most people are addicted to T.V., reading can have an addictive effect too, but it doesn't hold you hostage like your favorite show; You can decide when you want to take a commercial break.

Music is my drug of choice. No other medium has the ability to reach it's fingers so deep into your heart and mind. Music can paint the room a brighter color. It can be your shoulder to cry on and your partner in crime. In the early days of rock and roll people called it the devil's music. They were afraid it would turn virgins into whores and well-behaved children into rebels. But yesterday's "evil" music seems tame in comaprison to today's, and people still blame music for their children's behavior. I think that people are drawn to music (among other things) because it reflects how they see the world. Some people might listen to a song and call it evil, while others find it a comforting example of someone who understands how they feel.